Re enactments

Re enactments

Trek Shot

Growing up in the island, my most enjoyable recollection of Christmas was watching the Pastores. The team of young girls, called Pastores or Shepherds, would go around town in their colorful attires, singing Christmas carols and dancing gaily and getting monies or gifts from the houses they chose to carol. The little girls made the tradition exceptionally unforgettable and an experience to cherish.

I witnessed another re enactment of a similar tradition, that of the way of the cross during lent. Traditionally the event is cast with adult participants. There are the centurions, the townspeople and the ladies following the Christ carrying his cross as they move around town on their way to the crucifixion site.

The main cast this time are children. I followed them from the start to finish in and around our small community. The players, pre teen boys and girls in their costumes really made good in portraying the men and women much older than them.

These three girls, back lighted by the phosphorescent smoke shows just that, subdued emotion of lent.